
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2013

OpenProj error “Your Java vendor is Oracle Corporation”

Oracle es java (ya deja de ser libre) y que tenemos una actualización de java que es la versión 7 y con ello muchos problemas con las aplicaciones de licencia libre que usaban java. “Your Java vendor is “Oracle Corporation”. To run OpenProj, you need the Sun Java implementation. The auto-detected Java Runtime used is…” Para hacerlo funcionar básicamente hay que engañar a openproj desde su archivo de configuración diciéndole que efectivamente es java el proveedor.. entonces solo es necesario modificar la línea JAVA_OPTS en el archivo /home/user/.openproj/run.conf   JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx768m" y reemplazarla por esta otra   JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.vendor=Sun -Xms128m -Xmx768m" Y listo y como recomendación, por favor no hagan el cambio teniendo el mensaje de error abierto, ya que no surtirá efecto.

Installing Failover Clustering With Windows Server 2008 R2

Creating a failover clustering means you have at least two servers connected to a shared storage.  Failover Clustering System Requirement: Windows Server 2008/R2   :  Failover Clustering feature is available with Windows Server 2008/R2 Enterprise/Data Center editions. You don't have this feature with the Standard edition of Windows Server 2008/R2. Domain role:  All servers in the cluster must be in the same Active Directory domain. DNS:  The servers in the cluster must be using Domain Name System (DNS) for name resolution. Account for administering the cluster :  When you create a cluster or add servers to it, you must be logged on to the domain with an account that has administrator rights on all servers in that cluster ( if the account is not a Domain Admins account, the account must be given the Create Computer Objects and Read All Properties permissions in the domain ). Servers :  Two identical servers in brand, model and configu...

DELL Server: How To Create RAID Using PERC H700 Integrated BIOS Configuration Utility

This article explains how to create a new Virtual Disk in both RAID 0 a d RAID 1 configuration using PERC H700 Integrated BIOS Configuration Utility, based on the new hard disks you just inserted into the DELL servers. All the new DELL PowerEdge Servers (for example, Dell PowerEdge R610, Dell PowerEdge R710, etc.) comes with PERC H700 utility to manage the server’s hardware RAID controller. 1. Launch PERC H700 Integrated BIOS Configuration Utility Insert all new disks into the empty slots. If there are already disks on slot 0 and slot 1, start inserting the new disks from slot 2. In this example, the new 4 disks are inserted from slot-2 to slot-5. In this example, my intention is to create a new RAID-0 with the disks that were inserted in slot 2 and 3, and a new RAID-1 with the disks that were inserted in slot 4 and 5. After the disks are inserted, reboot the server. When the server is starting up, press Ctrl-R to launch the PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller BIOS. Pres...

How to Configure a Global Group to Be a Member of the Administrators Group on all Workstations

When defining the membership of a group is not the desired change, the Restricted Groups Member of function can be used. This is a less-invasive method of updating or modifying group membership using domain policies. As an example, if an organization wants to add the COMPANYABC\IT domain security group to the local Administrators group of all computers in the HQ Workstations organizational unit, the following process can be followed: 1. Create an OU called HQ Workstations and place all the necessary computer accounts into the OU. 2. Create a new domain group policy called HQWorkstationsRestrictedGroupGPO and open it for editing. 3. Click the Computer Configuration node, expand Policies, expand Windows Settings, expand Security Settings, and then select Restricted Groups. Add a group but do not specify the Administrators group; instead, specify the COMPANYABC\IT group. 4. In the properties of the COMPANYABC\IT restricted group, click the Add ...

SharePoint 2010 Infopath Print Button

thanks to http://arcemise.wordpress.com/2011/02/04/sharepoint-2010-infopath-print-button/ SharePoint 2010 Infopath Print Button I received a request to put a print button within a List Item display view so that one could easily print the current item they’re viewing.  After searching for a way to put a print button within the Infopath form itself (and coming up empty), I figured out how to simply add it to the page that displays the form. The end goal Once you have your Infopath form put together and published to a List, go to the List page. 1. Click on the “List” tab under List Tools 2. Click on the drop down arrow on the “Modify Form Webparts” button (pictured) 3. Select “(Item) Display Form” 4. This will take you to an edit page screen with your Infopath form set as a webpart 5. Add a “Content Editor Webpart” to the page 6. Edit your new webpart’s source and paste in the following: 1 2 <input type= "button" value= " Pr...

Fortigate and SIP Problems

When configuring SIP on a FortiGate,  it is recommended to disable the SIP session-helper and work with the SIP Application Layer Gateway to ensure compatibility across SIP systems. first: 1- Check the Session-helper number: FGT# show system session-helper edit 12 (1) set name sip set port 5060 set protocol 17 next (1) Use this ID for the next step 2- then remove this session-helper: FGT# config system session-helper FGT#(session-helper) delete 12 FGT#(session-helper) end3 – Reboot the FortiGate in order for the above changes to take effect 3 – Reboot the FortiGate in order for the above changes to take effect   4 – Create a Protection Profile with SIP enabled Instruction for FortiOS 4.0 and above 1 – Enter the following command to add an application control list called App_list_SIP, enable SIP support in the list, and limit REGISTER and INVITE requests to 100 requests per second per firewall policy (valu...