
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2014

How can I allow a standard user to run a program with admin rights without prompting for a password

Thanks to:  http://social.technet.microsoft.com/ Basically, what you need to do is: 1) Move the Application to a folder outside "Program Files". E.g. make a folder named "User Apps" or something like this. 2) Select the app folder properties (by clicking with right mouse button on it), go to "security" tab and press "edit" to change its permissions. 3) Press "Add" and enter the name of the user you want to run the app. Press ok.  4) In "Permissions for -user name-" box, mark the checkboxes to give him full control (or just "modify") rights. Press OK and OK. Now your users application has the nessesary permisions to write to its folders. But the app may ask to write something in the systems registry. So, follow the next steps: 5) Go to start and run "regedit". Inside Registry Editor click "Computer" and make a search ("ctrl-F") with the app name (e.g. "quake.exe"

Export E-mail Address List From Exchange 2010

Thanks to: http://aaronsarea.com If you need a list of your current user list and primary e-mail addresses for whatever reason, it’s an easy thing to carry out with Exchange 2010. No powershell required! Step 1 - Open up the Exchange Management Console. Step 2 - Go to the “Recipient Configuration” and click on “Mailbox” on the left hand section of the screen. Make sure the columns you want are displayed in the middle. Step 3 - On the right hand section click “Export List”. It will bring up a save file dialog box. It will save it as a tab delimited text file.  Step 4 - You can copy and paste the contents of this file directly into Excel and it will divide everything up into each cell just fine. If you keep your Active Directory relatively clean you’ll always have an up to date e-mail list to send out when needed, or an easy way to get user lists for the various network appliances that don’t have LDAP connectivity. It’s also worth noting that a lot of the

Unable to login to SQL Server + SQL Server Authentication + Error: 18456

I have created login account on my localhost\sql2008 Server (Eg. User123) Mapped to Database (default) Authentication Mode on SQL Server is set to both (Windows and SQL) But login to SQL Server fails with following message (for User123) Note: Have checked multiple time that UserName / Password are typed in correctly By default login failed error message is nothing but a client user connection has been refused by the server due to mismatch of login credentials. First task you might check is to see whether that user has relevant privileges on that SQL Server instance and relevant database too, thats good. Obviously if the necessary prvileges are not been set then you need to fix that issue by granting relevant privileges for that user login. Althought if that user has relevant grants on database & server if the Server encounters any credential issues for that login then it will prevent in granting the authentication back to SQL Server In summary: Right click on