Thank to: When you logon to a newly created user profile for the first time, the profile may not load and the following error is seen: The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded. Editor’s Note : This guide helps you fix the above problem that occurs when logging on to a new user account (for the first time). There are situations where the user profile for an existing account that you’ve been using already, doesn’t load (due to corruption or other factors such as wront NTFS permissions), and in those cases, advice in this article doesn’t help. In the latter case, follow the instructions in Microsoft article titled You receive a “The User Profile Service failed the logon” error message . This guide only advises how to reinstate the “Default” user profile template, which resolves the problem for a newly created user account. When you create a new user account and try to logon to it, Windows uses the Defau...