Step-By-Step: Virtual Machine Replication Using Hyper-V Replica
Thanks to: New to Windows Server 2012 , Hyper-V Replica is an asynchronous, virtual machine replication technology designed for business continuity and disaster recovery. With Hyper-V Replica , one can replicate a virtual machine from one location to another simple utilizing Hyper-V and a network connection. Hyper-V Replica works with any server network and/or storage vendor and provides unlimited replication capability out of the box. Benefits achieved by to your organization include: Hyper-V Replica allows you, in the event of a failure at a primary site (for example, fire, power outage, or server failure), to fail over your production workloads to Replica servers at a secondary location with minimal downtime. Configurations for the Hyper-V Replica server and storage hardware at each site do not have to be identical. Domain membership is also not required. Hyper-V Replica provides the option to restore virtualized...