
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2017

¿Cómo puedo obtener el VLC para reproducir en el segundo monitor en windows?

Thanks to: https://www.enmimaquinafunciona.com/ En nuestra iglesia, a veces necesitamos mostrar el contenido del video en el segundo monitor que es nuestra pantalla del proyector. También escogimos VLC para mostrar el contenido, y por razones similares, como declaró hemos encontrado que es más bien una distracción de tener que arrastrar el 'jugador' de la ventana de VLC en el segundo monitor. También queríamos venir para arriba con una solución simple para que nuestros menos en la computación de los operadores podrían encontrar que es muy fácil de mostrar contenido de vídeo. Con VLC 1.1.4 bajo Windows Vista, nos encontramos con la siguiente secuencia de comandos por lotes, que hemos puesto en un archivo (Vlc_Starter.bat) que se puede colocar en cualquier lugar (por ejemplo en el escritorio de Windows): set vlcPath="C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" %vlcPath% %1 --video-x=1600 --video-y=400 --width=300 --height=300 --fullscreen --no-video-title-show --no-embedde...

how adding persistent static routes on centos

Thanks to: http://www.networkinghowtos.com/ When you need to access networks located on a different network segment, you need to have a route set up so the PC knows how to get to the other network segment. This generally just points to your main gateway, but you may want to set up additional static routes, where you don’t want the traffic going through your main default gateway. To set up a static route on CentOS so that it automatically gets created every time the PC starts, you need to create a ‘route- <interface> ‘ file in the ‘/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts’ folder. Use your favorite text editor and edit/create the route- <interface>  file. eg: # nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth0 The route will get set up when the specified interfaces comes up. This file will probably wont exist if you don’t have any existing static routes. Add a line with the route information in the following format to the file. x.x.x.x/y via z.z.z.z dev interfa...

SQL Server - How to Create Multiple Instances on Single Server

Thank to: http://www.sqlines.com/ When you install SQL Server, the installation creates an instance of SQL Server. But how to create more instances? After you have installed SQL Server and have the default (or named) instance, start the setup again to create a new instance. For example, when you run SQL Server 2008 R2 Express setup, the following screen appears: Click “New installation or add features to an existing installation”, the following screen appears: As you can see SQLEXPRESS instance already exists, it was created by the first installation, now select “New installation or add shared features”. Then click Next and accept the License Agreement. Then select features you want to install for the new instance. After that the installation offer you to specify the name of your new instance (SQLEXPRESS2 was chosen in this example): Click Next to create the new instance and perform the remaining setup steps. You can repeat...

Reset a MySQL root password

Thank to: https://support.rackspace.com The MySQL root password allows the root user to have full access to the MySQL database. You must have (Linux) root or (Windows) Administrator access to the Cloud Server to reset the MySQL root password. Note:  The Cloud Server (Linux) root or (Windows) Administrator account password is not the same as the MySQL password. The Cloud Server password allows access to the server. The MySQL root password allows access only to the MySQL database. Use the following steps to reset a MySQL root password by using the command line interface. Stop the MySQL service (Ubuntu and Debian) Run the following command: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop (CentOS, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Run the following command: sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld stop Start MySQL without a password Run the following command. The ampersand (&) at the end of the command is required. sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & Connect to MySQL Run the fol...

“OwnCloud “You don’t have permission to upload or create files here.”

Owncloud complaining that “You don’t have permissions to upload files here” There are few likely reasons for this to happen because I have actually seen this issue a few times in differ situations. It is frustrating because OwnCloud might have had the permissions previously or it has access to the files through have 777 permissions. It is an issue because the desktop client will become out of sync with the server client. A huge issue since the point of OwnCloud is to keep these two in sync. Most likely You need to make www-data the owner and group of your OwnCloud directory. cd /var/www/owncloud/data chmod -R www-data:www-data * Other Solution: mysql -u root -p #assuming root is your mysql admin user #enter mysql admin password use owncloud; #assuming your owncloud-db ist called owncloud (which is the default) select * from oc_storages; #note your user’s “numeric_id”, let’s assume it’s 2 delete from oc_filecache where storage=2; #done Note: id of users