Account Lockout Tool: Track Down AD Lockout Events
Thanks to: A user calls the helpdesk, you unlock their account, 5 minutes later they call again with another lockout. At this point, everyone is frustrated and no one knows what the heck is causing the lockouts. I’ve got good news. There are account lockout tools that can assist and quickly tracking down the source of the issue. In this post, I’ll walk you through the exact step by step process I use for tracking down the source of random account lockouts. Recommended Tool: SolarWinds Admin Bundle for Active Directory 3 Free tools, find inactive user or computer accounts and quickly bulk import new user accounts. Download your free copy of Admin Bundle for Active Directory There are many Active Directory Tools that can assist with troubleshooting account lockouts, but my favorite is the Microsoft Account Lockout and Management Tool. It’s free, simple, easy to use and comes bundled with seve...