Configure Legal Notices On Domain Computers Using Group Policy
Thanks to: In this post we will use group policy to configure the legal notices on the domain computers. It is possible to configure Windows Server to display a message to users when they log on. When you configure legal notice, the legal notice message appears when the user hits CTRL+ALT+DEL. While I was working as system admin, I got the task to configure a logon banner. This was for Windows Server 2008 R2 and I am sure the steps covered in this post should work with next versions of server releases. Most of all you can configure legal notices on domain computers in two ways :- You can write a fancy script and execute it at the every logon Configure legal notice using a group policy. In my opinion the second method is very easy. You can use the message display functionality to personalize the logon process, provide news or information , and for other similar purposes. The message appears after the user presses CTRL+ALT...