How to Export and Import PuTTy Sessions List

Thank to: Method 1: PuTTY – PuTTY is a terminal emulation application which helps connecting to your networking devices via different networking protocols for example: telnet, SSH, Rlogin etc. You can use PuTTY to connect networking devices via serial port too. PuTTY saves the session information in Windows registry. We are going to discuss how to transfer PuTTY sessions from one PC to another in this post. The picture below shows the saved PuTTY sessions ( Firewall 1, Switch 1, Switch 2, Switch3, Switch 4) TRANSFER PuTTY SESSIONS FROM ONE PC TO ANOTHER EXPORT PuTTY SESSIONS Launch the registry START —> RUN —> type REGEDIT.EXE Browse the below registry location: “Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions” Right click on Sessions and select Export Assign a filename and save it IMPORT SAVED PUTTY SESSIONS TO ANOTHER PC Transfer\move the saved “putty sessions.reg” file to ...