
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2024

Set Up UFW Firewall in 5 Minutes

 Thank to: https://www.cyberciti.biz/ A Ubuntu 22.04 LTS comes with UFW (uncomplicated firewall) that protects the desktop or server against unauthorized access. UFW is easy to use frontend app for a Linux packet filtering system called Netfilter. Traditionally Netfilter rules are set up or configured using the iptables command by developers and sysadmins. However, new Ubuntu Linux users and developers unfamiliar with firewall concepts find Netfilter syntax confusing. Hence, the ufw project provides easy to use frontend for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Linux server and desktop. It is so super easy to set up. You can configure UFW in under 5 minutes and secure your host. This page explains how to set up a firewall with UFW on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server or desktop. Tutorial details Difficulty level Easy Root privileges Yes Requirements Linux terminal Category Firewall OS compatibility Debian • Linux • Mint • Ubuntu Est. reading time 5 minutes Ubun...

How to Install Webmin on Ubuntu 22.04

 Thank to: https://osnote.com Webmin is a web-based configuration tool for any Linux system that lets you manage your server through a web interface. You can use Webmin to set up users, disk quotas, services or configuration files, Apache, DNS, and more. With Webmin, we can manage and control multiple systems from one central location. Webmin comes with many modules that can be used to extend Webmin’s features easily. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Webmin on an Ubuntu server. Requirements A server running Ubuntu Linux. A non-root user with sudo privileges. First steps First, update your system with the latest version by running the following command: sudo apt update -y sudo apt upgrade -y Once your system is updated, reboot your system to apply the changes. Then install some prerequisites: apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget Install Webmin By default, Webmin is not available in the default repository of Ubuntu. Therefore, you ...

How to Safeguard Your Ubuntu 22.04 Server with UFW Firewall and Fail2ban

 Thank to: https://shape.host/ ‍In today’s digital landscape, securing your server against malicious login attempts and brute-force attacks is of utmost importance. One effective tool for Linux servers is Fail2ban, a free and open-source Intrusion Prevention Software (IPS). Fail2ban is written in Python and offers filters for various services such as Apache2, SSH, FTP, and more. By scanning log files and identifying malicious login attempts, Fail2ban blocks the IP addresses of the attackers, effectively reducing the risk of unauthorized access. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of installing and configuring Fail2ban on your Ubuntu 22.04 server. We will cover everything from setting up the UFW Firewall to managing Fail2ban using the fail2ban-client command. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a secure and well-protected server, shielded from potential threats. Prerequisites Before we dive into the installation process, make su...

Guia de Fail2Ban

 Thank to: https://axarnet.es Cuando tienes un servidor conectado a Internet en todo momento, ten por seguro que serás el objeto de ataques. Por suerte, para evitar accesos no deseados, tenemos la herramienta Fail2ban , que nos protege enormemente. Vamos a ver para qué sirve Fail2ban, cómo puedes instalarlo y configurarlo en tu servidor. Fail2Ban: para qué sirve y cómo puedes configurarlo en tu servidor TABLA DE CONTENIDOS Qué es Fail2ban Cómo funciona Fail2ban Cómo instalar Fail2ban en un servidor Cómo configurar Fail2ban Cómo comprobar que Fail2ban está funcionando ¿Es necesario Fail2ban en mi servidor VPS? Uno de los ataques más comunes en Internet son los ataques por fuerza bruta . Un ataque de fuerza bruta es muy básico, se trata de probar muchos accesos en poco tiempo y así intentar "adivinar" los datos de acceso, ya sean de un acceso SSH, FTP, cuenta de correo, etc. Fail2Ban nos ayuda a evitar esto. Pero, qué es exactamente ...

Cisco TDR Feature: Estado de los Pares del Cable UTP

 Thank to: https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/ Hace algunos años estuve en un proyecto donde estuve revisando diversos Switches Cisco y resolviendo problemas de conectividad en redes LAN en una empresa que tiene varias sucursales en provincias de mi país, Perú. Es muy conocido por muchos administradores de red que cuando tenemos un problema de conectividad en una PC, teléfono u otro dispositivo final conectado a un puerto de un Switch LAN, la prueba más común es a través de los comandos ping y traceroute. Las acciones complementarias incluyen verificaciones de la tabla ARP y la tabla de direcciones MAC. Como podemos darnos cuenta, la prueba más común en un problema de conectividad comienza con la capa 3 (ping), luego revisamos si hubo un registro de la dirección MAC del dispositivo final en el puerto del Switch, que corresponde a la capa 2 (tabla de direcciones mac). En caso de no obtener un resultado favorable en ambas pruebas, podríamos suponer que hay una descon...

Error con la libreria interop.word.dll CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}

 Thank to: https://es.stackoverflow.com/ Tengo el siguiente error al usar la librería  interop.word.dll: UnauthorizedAccessException]: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005 Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) RESPUESTA: The following worked for me for an access denied error with the same library: From Run (Win + R) place DCOMCNFG (which opens the Component Services interface) and then perform these steps: 1) Then go to Console Root > Component Services > Computers, right click on My Computer, and select Properties. 2) Then in the COM Security > Startup and Activation Permissions tab, choose "Edit Defaults". 3) Add the user with which the application is executed, for example if you use asp.net hosted in IIS, you add the user IIS_IUSRS or the service with which it is executed. 4) And finally in the permissions, check local ...