Enable ping for Windows Server 2003

Enable ping for Windows Server 2003

This article will go over enabling ping replies for Windows 2003. It is important to enable ping replies for your server so that our monitoring system can ensure that the server is online.
  1. Log into the server via Remote Desktop. If you are unsure on how to connect to your server via Remote Desktop, please see How do I connect to my server using Remote Desktop Connection?
  2. Open the Control Panel by going to Start > Control Panel
  3. Open Windows Firewall by double-clicking the Windows Firewall icon
  4. On the General tab of the Windows Firewall dialog box make sure the firewall is turned on

  5. Click the Advanced tab

  6. Under the ICMP header click the Settings... button
  7. Check the 'Allow incoming echo request' box

  8. Click on OK and then OK again to close the dialog boxes


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