Install BES 5.0n

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Stuff you need before installing the BES server.

1. Exchange 2010 needs to be up and running
2. Domain admin access rights
3. A Windows Server 2003 SP2 or Windows 2008 box already setup with at least a 100GB hard drive ( I know many people will say this much hard drive space would be a waste, but believe me those logs in the BES server get big really fast, especially when you have many users ) 4. A fast Internet connection to download the BES server software, and some Microsoft stuff.
step 1.
Setup the BESADMIN account in AD. the account does not need to be added to any admin groups. once the account is created in AD, add it to the local administrator group on the Windows 2003 or Windows 2008 server where you are planning to install the BES server on.
Step 2.
Setup the permissions on exchange. open the Exchange management shell in exchange 2010 and type these commands:
* _Get-MailboxDatabase | Add-ADPermission -User "BESAdmin" -AccessRights ExtendedRight -ExtendedRights Receive-As, ms-Exch-Store-Admin_
* _Add-RoleGroupMember "View-Only Organization Management" -Member "BESAdmin"_
* _Add-ADPermission -InheritedObjectType User -InheritanceType Descendents -ExtendedRights Send-As -User "BESAdmin" -Identity   "OU=<organizational_unit>,DC=<domain_1>,DC=<domain_2>,DC=<domain_3>"_
For example, if the organizational unit is Texas and the domain name is, type Texas for
REXML could not parse this XML/HTML: 
<organizational_unit>, **example** for <domain_1>, **organization** for <domain_2>, and **net** for <domain_3>_

now there is new thing called “client throttling” that you need to turned off in exchange 2010 in order for the BES server to work correctly. on Exchange 2010 management shell type these commands:
1. New-ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy 2. Set-ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy -RCAMaxConcurrency $null -RCAPercentTimeInAD $null -RCAPercentTimeInCAS $null -RCAPercentTimeInMailboxRPC $null -EWSMaxConcurrency $null -EWSPercentTimeInAD $null -EWSPercentTimeInCAS $null -EWSPercentTimeInMailboxRPC $null -EWSMaxSubscriptions $null -EWSFastSearchTimeoutInSeconds $null -EWSFindCountLimit $null 3. Set-Mailbox “BESAdmin” -ThrottlingPolicy BESPolicy
Step 3
download the required software. download the BES Express software for exchange from this URL remember to register to get your SRP, and authentication keys. without those keys you cannot install BES express server. you also need to download the Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects from here . I used version 6.5.8211.0 which is the minimum required to install the BES server. let’s summarize what you need on this step:
1. BES Express software download from here 2. register on to get the SRP and authentication keys. 3. Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects ( this replaces the need to install Microsoft management tools in order to install BES like in previous versions. )
Step 4.
Install Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects. click on the ExchangeMapiCdo zipped file. the extraction window will come up. click on OK:
hence the extraction path. after you get the extraction complete window, check the location where you extracted the file to. mine is on the C:\ location. you should have a ExchangeMapiCdodirectory there. click on the ExchangeMapiCdoexecutable file:
the Installation wizard should come up:
click on Next. and accept the agreement:
click on Next, and then finish the installation. very simple!
Step 5.
Now Let’s begin the BES server installation. click on the BES Express zipped file, and unzip it:
after unzipping the file, the BES installation wizard will come up. select the language, and click OK.
Click on Continue Installation on the next screen:
Enter the license agreement information on the next screen, and click on Next:
select the first option “ create a blackberry configuration database” on the next screen. then click on Next:
make sure the option “blackberry Enterprise Server” is checked on the next screen, and then click on Next.
make sure you don’t see any errors on the next screen. then click on Next:
choose the database on the next screen. we want to installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005 express edition SP3. click on Next:
enter the Besadmin password on the next screen, and click on Next:
Begin the installation on the next screen by clicking on Install.
let the installation begin:
after awhile, you will get a prompt to reboot the server. do so:
after rebooting the server, the BES server installation will continue. enter the database information, and click on Next:
click on Yes to create a new database:
next enter the CAL and SRP keys you got from RIM when you registered your BES server:
click on Next after you have entered your keys. then specified your exchange server name, and the BesAdmin mailbox name:
specified the administration settings on the next screen, and click on Next:
enter the AD settings specification on the next screen. click on Next:
select “ windows authentication” on the next screen.
and finally, start the services.
you’re done my friend. after starting the services, you can navigate to the administrator ( web ) console, and create a user to test.
if everything went smooth up to this point, then everything should work as expected.


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