How Configure External TIme Source on Windows 2008 R2

This article explains how to configure your Windows Server 2008 R2 Active Directory Primary Domain Controller to syncronise time with an external time source.
Note: In an active directory, all member computers will sync time with the PDC, so you only need to setup an external time source on the PDC.
Open an elevated command prompt and type the following:
Net Stop W32Time
W32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:",,,"
W32tm /config /reliable:yes
Net Start W32Time
W32tm /config /update
W32tm /resync

You can run W32tm /resync on member computers to sync time with the PDC. 
The windows time service should begin synchronizing the time. You can check the external NTP servers in the time configuration by typing: C:\>w32tm /query /configuration
Check the Event Viewer for any errors.
Other Information:

External Time Source

How do I use

If you just want to synchronise your computers clock to the network, the configuration file (for the ntpd program from the distribution, on any supported operating system - Linux, *BSD, Windows and even some more exotic systems) is really simple:
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift

The 0, 1, 2 and names point to a random set of servers that will change every hour. Make sure your computer's clock is set to something sensible (within a few minutes of the 'true' time) - you could use ntpdate, or you could just use the date command and set it to your wristwatch. Start ntpd, and after some time (this could take as long as half an hour!), ntpq -pn should output something like:
avbidder:~$ ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+     2 u   68 1024  377  158.995   51.220  50.287
*     2 u  191 1024  176   79.245    3.589  27.454
-    3 u  766 1024  377   22.302   -2.928   0.508
The IP addresses will be different, because you've been assigned random timeservers. The essential thing is that one of the lines starts with an asterisk (*), this means your computer gets the time from the internet - you'll never have to worry about it again!
Looking up (or, etc) will usually return IP addresses for servers in or close to your country. For most users this will give the best results.
You can also use the continental zones (For example europenorth-americaoceania or, and a country zone (like in Switzerland) - for all these zones, you can again use the 0, 1 or 2 prefixes, like Note, however, that the country zone might not exist for your country, or might contain only one or two timeservers.
If you're using a recent Windows version, you can use the ntp client that is built into the system. As administrator enter
w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /,,,
at the command prompt. This will work on Windows 2003 and newer. If you use an older version of windows you can try
net time /setsntp:""
The same can be achieved by, as administrator, right-clicking the clock in the taskbar, selecting 'Adjust Date/Time' and entering the server name in the 'Internet Time' tab.
Meinberg made a port of the ntp daemon for windows.
If your Windows system is part of a domain, you might not be able to independently update your computer time. For more information about setting the time on windows, see How Windows Time Service Works.

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