HP 3PAR important commands and usage

Below are some common commands for Storage provisioning


Command to get the paths allocated in the servers
showvlun -v <vv name> -pathsum 
showvlun -v <vv name*>
showvlun -host <hostname> -pathsum
Command to get the detailed description of a host
showhost -desc <hostname*> 
Command to get the detailed host and port information
showhost -d <hostname*>
Command to display the host set with its members and the hostset in which the host is a member of
showhostset <Hostsetname*>
showhostset -host <Hostname>
Command to display the VV wwn and creation time
showvv -d <vv name*>
Command to display the VV capacity
showvv <vv name*>
Command to display VV set with description and members list and the VVset in which the matching VV is member of
showvvset -d <vv Setname>
showvvset -vv <vv name*>
Command to create host
createhost -persona <number> Host <wwn1> <wwn2>
Rename a host
setvv -name <newname> <oldname>
Create a Virtual Volume
createvv -pol zero_detect -tpvv AO_FC_NEW <lun name> 100g
createvv -cnt 3 <cpg name> <vv name> 100g
To add a virtual volume to a VVset
createvvset -add <vv set name> <vv name>
To extend a virtual volume. The below command will add 10 gb to the current space
growvv <vv name> 10g
Command to add a server to an existing host set                                     
createhostset -add <ExistingHostSet> <HosttoAdd>
Command to export a virtual volume to a host
createvlun <vv name> <HostLUNNumber> <hostname>
Command to create a super user
createuser -c <password> <username> all super

To unexport a VV from a host
removevlun –f <VVname> <HostLUNnumber> <hostname>
removevlun set:<VVSet> <LUN id> set:<hostset>

Now when it comes to troubleshooting 3PAR storage, here are some useful commands.
Display new alerts in the system
showalert -n
Display the system model, serial number and details
showsys -d
Displays information about tasks
showtask -active -t <hours> -all -type <pattern with wild characters*>
showtask –d <TaskID>
Display the BIOS and OS version
Displays the system events occurred during the last 20 minutes
showeventlog -min 20
Displays the operating environment status for all nodes in the system
Display the physical disk parameters
showpd -c <DiskID> - to see the chunklet details
showpd -i <DiskID> -- to see the disk details with wwn 
showpd -s <DiskID>  -- Show the disk detailed state
showpd -failed -degraded  - To look failed physical disks
showpdch -fail  ---- shows every Failed Chunklet in the system
showpdvv 12 | grep -i <vv name>
Display the IP address of the array
To see the users connected to the array
Display the the FC port link status errors
showportlesb single 1:0:2
showportlesb hist -startt 01/20 6:3:4
showport -state node:slot:port
Displays the LD details
showld -d
showld -state -sortcol 3
Display the cage details
showcage -d <Cage number
To check delayed ack’s on 3Par firmware 2.3.1  -- Need to login as root (spdood)
Run several times to check to see if the numbers are increasing.
The command on 3.1.x OS version is statcmp
showmemval kernel7 none u32 6 delay_ack_count_per_dev  -- 
kernel 7 is node 7
To identify the disk with high response time and IOPS
statpd -iter 3 -sortcol 9 -filt avgs,t,svct,100
statpd -w <WWN>
statpd -iter 3 -sortcol 9
statpd -p -devtype NL -sortcol 9 -d 5
statpd -iter 2 -sortcol 4 -filt avgs,t,iops,300
Display the VLUN performance for non idle devices with R/W separated and the interval and in a timed loop
statvlun -iter 1  -d 30 -rw -ni -<host name>
statvv -iter 5 <vv name>  
Displays read/write (I/O)  and queue length statistics for ports
statport -iter 5
statport -nodes <node number>


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