How to connect two Asterisk PBXs using a SIP Peer/User Trunk Pairing
Thanks to: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)) is a signalling protocol used for setting up and tearing down Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) calls . Voice over Internet Protocol makes the transition from traditional conference calls to conference calling via the world wide web. A SIP call uses two protocols: SIP and RTP. Real Time Protocol (RTP) is used for the transfer of the actual voice data. If you want to find out more about SIP visit Wikipedia's SIP page . The first step in setting up an SIP trunk is to draw a picture of what you need to do. Here's an example of a simple PBX to PBX connection that will be using a User/Peer pairing to form a SIP trunk. The two PBXs are name 106 and 111 after their IP host address. They could very well be named Montreal and New York. PBX 106 has all their extensions starting with 3xxx while PBX 111 has all of their extensions starting with 2xxx. This will be handy w...