Exchange 2010 – “The certificate status could not be determined because the revocation check failed.”

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Seen on Exchange 2010 (with or without service packs) when you access the internet through a proxy server. Note: Exchange does NOT take its proxy settings from Internet Explorer.
Exchange Certificate Error


1. To prove that the proxy is the problem drop to command line and issue the following command:
netsh winhttp show proxy
Exchange Certificate Error
If it says “Direct Access (no proxy server)” and you have a proxy server then that’s your problem.
2. Issue the following command:
netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server=”http={proxy IP}:{port};https={proxy ip}:{port}” bypass-list=”*”
Exchange Certificate Error
3. Note: If at this point it all goes wrong (If you get it wrong, then the Exchange Management Console wont open! test it to make sure). To revert back to “no proxy”, issue the following command:
netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server=”http={proxy IP}:{port};https={proxy ip}:{port}” bypass-list=”*”
You only do this if it’s broken something!!
Exchange Certificate Error
4. All being well your certificates should now display correctly.
Exchange Certificate Error


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