Server (HP) not reachable on network “Port was disabled because a pause flood was detected” .

Thanks to:

error: Port enc0:iobay1:d3 pause-flood detected and automatically disabled

Host was not reachable on network. When checked on ILO server is up and running. When I try to ping the server its unresponsive.Host is a blade server, hence suspected an issue with the network module. Therefore, connected virtual connect. Found one of the virtual connect module was degraded. When analysed the HP Virtual connect found an error message stating “Port was disabled because a pause flood was detected”

Further to this when validated the server port assigned to the bay1/bay2 found the status “Not Linked/Pause Flood Detected”. It confirms the issue was caused by pause Flood. In some cases, a flex-10 port can enter into disabled state due to the triggering of “pause-flood”, or network-loop. You can confirm the same port status using Virtual Connect Manager CLI. Connect to Virtual connect using SSH and Execute the below command:

Show port-protect

This would show the blade server that’s in impact. To fix the issue, please execute the below command:

reset port-protect

Verify the port status again using the command “show port-protect” and ensure no port’s protect types are reported as “Pause Flood”.
Another action plan would be to update the Drivers and Firmwares.

You can also disable is using the command listed below
set port-protect pauseFlood=Disabled

Other Solution:
FACT:HPE Virtual Connect
FACT:Virtual connect/Blade enclosure
SYMPTOM:NIC ports disabled due to Pause frame issue
CAUSE:NIC ports disabled due to Pause frame issue

1. Login to VCM (Virtual connect manager) using administrator credentials. 
2. Expand the Ethernet option in the navigation bar on left hand side. 
3. Go to Advanced settings. 
4. Here under Port protection, if any of the ports are disabled you would see an option 're-enable ports' 
5. Click on it to re-enable the ports disabled due to Pause frame issue. 

Note: This feature (Port monitoring and disabling) is available only from VC firmware version 4.01 onwards.


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