Converting a Windows disk from MBR to GPT layout without data loss
Thank to: MBR-initialized disks are limited to a maximum addressable storage space of 2 TB. Other limitations are that MBR only supports a maximum of 4 primary partitions. If you need larger disks and/or more partitions you have to change the layout to GPT. With GPT, the maximum configurations for Windows are: 128 primary partitions 18 ExaByte addressable storage space The challenge is, that it is not possible to change the layout to GPT with windows standard tools if the disk already contains data. If you right-click the affected disk (Computer Management – Storage – Disk Management) the option “Convert to GPT Disk” will be greyed out. In my case, the tool GPTGEN was the resolution. It enables you to change the disk layout from MBR to GPT without downtime and data loss (nevertheless take care that you have a valid backup before you start!!!). You can download the tool eg. here: – GPTGEN Before you can ...